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Wang Zuji

Vice chairman, executive director, executive president

Mr. Wang Zuji has served as vice chairman, executive director and president of the Bank since July 2015. Mr. Wang served as vice chairman of China Insurance Regulatory Commission from September 2012 to May 2015, vice governor of Peoples Government of Jilin Province from January 2008 to September 2012, assistant governor of Peoples Government of Jilin Province, director-general of Development and Reform Commission of Peoples Government of Jilin Province and concurrently director-general of Leadership Team Office of Revitalizing Jilin Old Industrial Base from April 2006 to January 2008, assistant governor of Peoples Government of Jilin Province and director-general of State-owned Assets Supervision & Administration Commission of the Peoples Government of Jilin Province from May 2005 to April 2006, assistant governor of Peoples Government of Jilin Province from February 2005 to May 2005, director of Comprehensive Planning Department of China Development Bank from January 2004 to February 2005, director of Business Development Department of China Development Bank from March 2003 to January 2004, president of Changchun Branch of China Development Bank from January 2000 to March 2003, the deputy director of Loan Department II (North-east China Loan Department) of China Development Bank from January 1997 to January 2000. He obtained his doctorate degree in economics from Jilin University.

Pang Xiusheng

Executive vice president

Mr. Pang has served as executive vice president since February 2010. He served as executive vice president and chief financial officer from September 2013 to June 2014; chief financial officer from April 2006 to March 2011;  executive vice chairman of the Banks asset and liability committee from March 2006 to April 2006; director of the Banks restructuring office from April 2005 to March 2006; general manager of Zhejiang Branch of China Construction Bank from June 2003 to April 2005, and acting general manager of Zhejiang Branch of China Construction Bank from April 2003 to June 2003. Mr. Pang served consecutively as deputy general manager of treasury and planning department, deputy general manager of planning and finance department, and general manager of planning and finance department of China Construction Bank from September 1995 to April 2003. Mr. Pang is a senior economist, and a recipient of a special grant by PRC government. He graduated from postgraduate programme in technological economics from Harbin Industrial University in 1995.

Zhang Gengsheng

Executive vice president

Mr. Zhang Gengsheng has served as executive vice president of the Bank from April 2013. Mr. Zhang served as a member of senior management of the Bank from December 2010 to April 2013. Mr. Zhang was general manager of the group clients department and deputy general manger of Beijing Branch of the Bank from October 2006 to December 2010, general manager of the banking business department and the group clients department from March 2004 to October 2006, deputy general manger of the banking business department and the group clients department from June 2000 to March 2004 (in charge of overall management from March 2003), general manager of the Three Gorges Branch from September 1998 to June 2000, and deputy general manger of Three Gorges Branch from December 1996 to September 1998. Mr. Zhang is a senior economist. He obtained his bachelors degree in infrastructure finance and credit from Liaoning Finance and Economics College in 1984 and an Executive MBA degree from Peking University in 2010.

Yang Wensheng

Executive vice president

Mr. Yang Wensheng has served as executive vice president of the Bank from December 2013. He served as general manager of Liaoning Branch of the Bank from December 2010 to September 2013. Mr. Yang was general manager of Dalian Branch of the Bank from October 2006 to November 2010, deputy general manager of Jilin Branch of the Bank from August 2001 to October 2006 and assistant general manager of Jilin Branch of the Bank from January 2000 to August 2001. Mr. Yang Wensheng is a senior engineer. He obtained his bachelors degree in computer software from Tsinghua University in 1989 and obtained his masters degree in technological economics from Tsinghua University in 1993.

Huang Yi

Executive vice president

Mr. Huang Yi has served as executive vice president of the Bank from April 2014. Mr. Huang served as a member of senior management from December 2013 to April 2014. Mr. Huang served as director of the Supervisory Rules & Regulations Department of China Banking Regulatory Commission from January 2010 to December 2013, and deputy director and director (head of the Research Bureau) of the Supervisory Rules & Regulations Department of China Banking Regulatory Commission from July 2003 to January 2010. From April 1999 to July 2003, Mr. Huang served consecutively as a director level cadre and director of the Financial Claim Management Office, assistant inspector of Legal Affairs Department (concurrently serving a temporary position as deputy director of Department of Finance of Sichuan Province) and assistant inspector of Banking Management Department of the Peoples Bank of China. From August 1997 to April 1999, he was the general manager of the Development Research Department of Huaxia Bank. Mr. Huang is a recipient of a special grant by the government of the Peoples Republic of China, and he graduated from Peking University in August 1997 and received the Ph.D. degree in law.

Yu Jingbo

Executive vice president

Mr. Yu Jingbo has served as executive vice president of the Bank from December 2014. Mr. Yu has served as chief auditor of the Bank from March 2011 to December 2014. Mr. Yu served concurrently as general manager of Beijing Branch of the Bank starting from August 2013. Mr. Yu served as general manager of the audit department of the Bank from April 2011 to October 2012, general manager of Zhejiang Branch of the Bank from March 2005 to March 2011. Mr. Yu was consecutively deputy general manager (in charge) of Zhejiang Branch of the Bank from July 2004 to March 2005, deputy general manager of Zhejiang Branch of the Bank from August 1999 to July 2004, and general manager of Hangzhou Branch of Zhejiang of the Bank from April 1997 to August 1999. Mr. Yu is a senior engineer. Mr. Yu obtained his bachelors degree in industrial and civil architecture from Tongji University in 1985 and his masters degree in enterprise management from Hangzhou University in 1998.

Zeng Jianhua

Chief Risk Officer

Mr. Zeng Jianhua has served as the Banks Chief Risk Officer since September 2013. He served as the Banks Chief Financial Officer from March 2011 to September 2013;served as general manager of Guangdong Branch of the Bank from September 2007 to March 2011. Mr. Zeng was consecutively the chief officer in charge of Guangdong Branch from July 2007 to September 2007, general manager of Shenzhen Branch of the Bank from October 2004 to July 2007, deputy general manager of the asset and liability management department of China Construction Bank from July 2003 to October 2004, and deputy general manager of Hunan Branch of China Construction Bank from February 1996 to July 2003. Mr. Zeng is a senior economist and received his Ph.D. degree in enterprise management from Hunan University in 2005.

Huang Zhiling

Chief Economist

Mr. Huang Zhiling has served as the Banks Chief Economist since September 2013. He served as the Banks Chief Risk Officer from February 2011 to September 2013, served as general manager of the risk management department of the Bank from April 2006. Mr. Huang was consecutively the director of the asset disposal review committee of China Cinda Asset Management Corporation from December 2000 to April 2006, director of asset disposal decision-making committee office of China Cinda Asset Management Corporation from November 2000 to December 2000, director of president office and director of the party committee office of China Cinda Asset Management Corporation from August 1999 to November 2000, deputy general manager of administrative office and secretary to the party team of China Construction Bank from June 1997 to August 1999. Mr. Huang is a researcher, and a recipient of a special grant by PRC government. He received his Ph.D. degree in finance from Shaanxi Institute of Finance and Economics in 1991.

Xu Yiming

Chief Financial Officer

Mr. Xu Yiming has served as the Banks Chief Financial Officer from June 2014. He served as the General Manager of Asset and Liability Management Department of the Bank since August 2005.  From March 2003 to August 2005, Mr. Xu served as the Deputy General Manager of Asset and Liability Management Department of the Bank; from March 2001 to March 2003, he served as the Deputy General Manager of the General Office of Asset and Liability Committee of the Bank; from August 1999 to February 2001, he served as the Chief of Xicheng Sub-branch of Guangdong Branch of the Bank; from June 1996 to August 1999, he successively served as the Deputy Division-Chief and Division-Chief of Financial Planning Department and Planned Finance Department. Mr. Xu is a senior accountant. In 1994, he graduated from the Research Institute for Fiscal Science of the Ministry of Finance with a Ph.D. degree in economics.

Chen Caihong

Secretary to the Board

Mr. Chen has served as secretary to the Board since August 2007. Mr. Chen was general manager of Seoul Branch of China Construction Bank from December 2003 to July 2007. Mr. Chen served consecutively as deputy director, director of administrative office, deputy general manager of Fujian Branch, and head of preparation team for Seoul Branch of China Construction Bank from March 1997 to December 2003. Mr. Chen is a senior economist. He graduated from Hubei Finance and Economics College with a bachelors degree in infrastructure economics in 1982 and received his masters degree in public finance from the Research Institute for Fiscal Science of the MOF in 1986.

Ma Chan-Chi

Company secretary

Mr. Ma has served as company secretary of the Bank since August 2014. He has served as the Deputy Chief Executive & Chief Financial Officer of the China Construction Bank (Asia) and joined the China Construction Bank (Asia). He has more than 30 years of corporate financial and legal affairs experience. Prior to joining the China Construction Bank (Asia), he was the Chief Financial Officer & Secretary to the Board of Hang Seng Bank (China) Limited and the Chief Financial Officer of Nanyang Commercial Bank (China) Limited. He obtained his Master Degree in Business Administration from the University of Strathclyde in 1995 and the qualifications of the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants.

Yuen Yiu Leung

Qualified accountant

Mr. Yuen has served as qualified accountant of the Bank since August 2005. Mr. Yuen has been head of finance department of China Construction Bank (Asia) Corporation Limited since July 2013. He was head of finance department of Hong Kong Branch of the Bank from September 2004 to June 2013, and served concurrently as head of finance department of CCB International from January 2006 to May 2011. Prior to that, Mr. Yuen held the same position in the Hong Kong Branch of China Construction Bank from October 1995 to September 2004 and he served in several capacities at the internal control, finance and accounting functions of Standard Chartered Bank. Mr. Yuen is a fellow of the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants, the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants, UK and the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants, UK and an associate of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales. Mr. Yuen graduated from Hong Kong Polytechnic University with a professional diploma in management accountancy in 1988 and obtained a masters degree in business administration from University of Wales in cooperation with Manchester Business School in 1998.