Corporate Profile
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Shareholders’ Genera-
l Meeting
Board of Directors
Board of Directors
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Board of Supervisors
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Senior Management
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H Share
Shareholders’ Meetings
2014 Information
2013 Information
2012 Information
2011 Information
2010 Information
2009 Information
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2007 Information
2006 Information
Periodic Results Report
Annual Reports
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General Shareholder Information
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g Information
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porting Information
Corporate Governance
IR Service
Credit Ratings and Awar-
Credit Ratings
Investor Calendar

We seek to become a world-class bank by providing the best service to our customers, maximizing shareholder value and providing excellent career opportunities to our employees. We intend to focus our efforts on our target customers, products and geographical regions, with specific emphasis on the following:


l         Customers. We intend to strengthen our historically strong relationships with our large corporate customers by focusing on industry leaders in strategic industries such as power, telecommunications, oil and gas, and infrastructure, as well as major financial institutions and government agencies, and by selectively developing relationships with small- and medium-enterprise customers. In the personal banking segment, we intend to increase our revenue from high-income retail customers, while capitalizing on our cost efficiency and economies of scale to serve our mass market customers more efficiently.


l         Products. We intend to develop our wholesale and retail products with a focus on fee-based businesses, including payment and settlement services, personal wealth management and corporate treasury management. We intend to grow proactively our personal banking business with a focus on residential mortgages and diverse savings products, and to build an industry-leading credit card business.


l         Geographical regions. We intend to prioritize our efforts in the major cities of the more developed geographical markets of the Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta and Bohai Rim regions. We also intend to accelerate our development in the capital cities of inland provinces in China.