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Corporate Citizenship

In 2010, the Group proactively fulfilled its social responsibilities and acted as a good corporate citizen. It contributed RMB95,279,900 to 22 public welfare projects, in which donations made by its staff totalled RMB28.23 million.

The Group was fully committed to the rescue efforts, disaster relief work and post-disaster reconstruction. Following the earthquake in Yushu, drought in southern China, landslide in Zhouqu and floods in certain regions of China, the Bank eagerly supported disaster-stricken areas by donating money totalling RMB53,131,500, of which RMB29,391,500 was donated by its staff. The Group also provided special financial services to facilitate disaster relief work, and a “Green Channel” of credit approval was opened to meet financial needs for disaster relief and reconstruction efforts.

The Group enthusiastically supported educational development and took initiative in poverty alleviation programmes. Through the “CCB Scholarships and Grants for College Students from Ethnic Minorities”, the Group has granted RMB12.03 million to 4,259 impoverished minority college students from 97 colleges and universities. The Group is also committed to other long-term public welfare projects. The “Build for the Future – CCB Sponsorship Programme for Impoverished High School Students”, set up with a start-up contribution of RMB120 million, has until now sponsored a total of 51,300 students. The “Sponsorship Programme for Impoverished Mothers of Heroes & Exemplary Workers in China”, set up with a start-up contribution of RMB50 million, has aided 5,425 people so far. The “Passion to Tibet – CCB & Jianyin Scholarships and Grants” has extended financial support to 330 impoverished students from Tibet over four years. The Group has also constructed and maintained a total of 38 CCB Hope Primary Schools, built 73 sports grounds and libraries, and sponsored training courses for 74 teachers. It contributed RMB5 million to the “CCB Tsinghua University Chair Professorship Fund” for Tsinghua University to engage distinguished chair professors worldwide to enhance the standard of academic teaching and science research. Under the “CCB – Banco Santander International Exchange Student Programme”, the Group contributed a total of RMB3.99 million to seven universities, including China University of Political Science and Law, Nankai University, Wuhan University, University of Science and Technology of China, Tongji University, Beijing Institute of Technology and Central University of Finance and Economics.

The Group also supported public welfare projects in culture and art, healthcare and medical science, economic policy studies and academic exchange. As the chief sponsor, the Group sponsored the Beijing International Music Festival for the fifth consecutive year, which helps support the high standard of performance at a reasonable ticket price to enable more music lovers to enjoy the Festival. The Group has been continuously supporting studies on national economic policies and international academic exchange. The Group has donated over RMB17 million in total to Cairncross Economic Research Foundation (Beijing), China Centre for International Economic Exchanges, Western China Human Resources Development Foundation, the Sun Yefang Foundation of Economics, the China Society of World Economy and China Development Research Foundation. It launched the “CCB Technological Innovation Fund” with a donation of RMB2 million to the China PLA General Hospital.

The Group has been actively involved in activities promoting environmental protection. It pledged to donate RMB5 million to support the “Greening the Yangtze River – Chongqing Action”, a reforestation charity initiative to restore and preserve the ecological environment along the Yangtze River and Three Gorges reservoir. In 2010, the Group’s head office and 16 branches participated in the global campaign of “Earth Hour” organised by World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF). The Group initiated the proposal of “Low carbon bidding process” among pension management institutions to put into practice the idea of sustainable development.

The Group has gained wide praise and recognition for its efforts in fulfilling corporate social responsibility. In 2010, the Group received mutilple corporate social responsibility awards from China News Weekly, Chinese Red Cross Foundation, China Women’s Development Foundation, Southern Weekly, Xinhuanet, People’s Daily Online, Netease Money, and other organisations.