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Senior Management

The Senior Management has overall responsibility for making and implementing strategic decisions and managing and controlling the Bank. The President primarily follows laws, regulations, procedures and the Bank's Articles of Association, as well as delegated responsibilities from the Shareholders' General Meetings and the Board of Directors.  His actions are bounded by the "Detailed Guidelines on the Roles and Responsibilities of the President of China Construction Bank Corporation".         



Zhang Jianguo


Chen Zuofu

Executive vice president

Zhu Xiaohuang

Executive vice president

Chief risk officer

Hu Zheyi

Executive vice president

Pang Xiusheng

Executive vice president

Chief financial officer

Zhao Huan

Executive vice president

Zhang Gengsheng

Member of senior management

Zeng Jianhua

Chief financial officer

Huang Zhiling

Chief risk officer

Yu Jingbo

Chief audit officer

Chen Caihong

Secretary to the Board

Xu Huibin

Controller of wholesale banking

Tian Huiyu

Controller of retail banking

Wang Guiya

Controller of investment and wealth management

Chan MeiSheung

Company Secretary

Yuen Yiu Leung

Qualified Accountant