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Board of Directors

Our Board of Directors, which consists of 14 members, was elected at the Shareholders’ General Meetings in accordance with the Articles of Association. Among them, 3 are executive directors, 5 independent non-executive directors and 6 non-executive directors.


The Board of Directors reports to the shareholders of the Shareholders’ General Meetings and is responsible for implementing the resolutions of Shareholders’ General Meetings in accordance with relevant laws, regulations, procedures and the Bank’s Articles of Association. All directors have the duty to actively participate in the decision-making process of all the Bank’s important events and protect the interest of the Bank and its shareholders. 





Mr.Zhang Jianguo

Vice Chairman & Executive Director & President

Mr.Chen Zuofu

Executive Director & Vice President

Mr. Zhu Xiaohuang

Executive Director, Vice President and Chief

Lord Peter Levene

Independent Non-Executive Director

Mr. Yam Chi Kwong, Joseph

Independent Non-Executive Director

Rt Hon Dame Jenny Shipley

Independent Non-Executive Director

Mr. Zhao Xijun

Independent Non-Executive Director

Mr. Wong Kai-Man

Independent Non-Executive Director

Mr.Wang Yong

Non-Executive Director

Mr. Zhu Zhenmin

Non-Executive Director

Mr. Lu Xiaoma

Non-Executive Director

Ms. Chen Yuanling

Non-Executive Director

Ms. Li Xiaoling

Non-Executive Director

Mr.Dong Shi

Non-Executive Director