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Board of Supervisors

China Construction Bank Corporation's Board of Supervisors represents the supervising body of China Construction Bank Corporation, which reports to the Shareholders' General Meetings. The Board of Supervisors is responsible for monitoring the legitimacy and compliance of the conduct of the Board of Directors and the Senior Management and the Bank's financial status. Our Board of Supervisors consists of eight supervisors: Three supervisors representing shareholders and two external supervisors, all elected by our shareholders; and three supervisors representing employees and elected by employee representatives. Directors and executives may not serve as supervisors. The chairman is elected by the Board of Supervisors. The term of office for our supervisors is three years, renewable upon re-election.




Mr.Zhang Furong

Chairman of the Board of Supervisors

Ms.Liu Jin


Mr. Song Fengming


Mr.Jin Panshi

Employee Representative Supervisor

Mr.Li Weiping

Employee Representative Supervisor

Ms.Huang Shuping

Employee Representative Supervisor

Mr.Guo Feng

External Supervisor

Mr.Dai deming

External Supervisor